The appearance of an LPS coral at depth with natural and artificial lighting
Reef fish are products of their environment
Aquarium Fish: Surgeonfish: A Forty Year Retrospective
Best Underwater Pictures: Winners of 2013 Amateur Contest
Einblicke der Meereswelt - JBL Workshop Vietnam 2013
Aquarium Fish: Butterflyfish
Why do soft corals like Xenia pulse?
從魷魚的喙取得設計醫療器材的靈感 (英文)
Squid beaks provide inspiration for medical devices
Bioinspired Water-Enhanced Mechanical Gradient Nanocomposite Films That Mimic the Architecture and Properties of the Squid Beak
Pedro Gomes' 50 gallon reef is OMG awesome
如何飼養侏儒神仙魚 (英文)
Dwarf angelfish: Heaven sent?
加州Birch Aquarium成立葉形海龍繁殖研究室 (英文)
Leafy sea dragon breeding lab built at Birch Aquarium
圖說螳螂蝦 (英文)
Why the mantis shrimp is my new favorite animal.
從共軛交顯微鏡看珊瑚 (Youtube、英文)
Coral Under Confocal
肉質軟珊瑚屬簡介 (英文)
Aquarium Corals: Corals of the Genus Sarcophyton: The Toadstools
Product Review: Build My LED 48" Strip Light: Custom LED Lighting for Freshwater and Reef Aquaria
如何對付缸中的害蟲 (英文)
The Hawkfishes
Holy !@#%, the Red Sea is AWESOME
蝦虎與槍蝦的共生 (英文)
Aquarium Fish: Sharing a small house without conflicts: the pistol shrimp and the shrimpgoby's life
可怕不速之客: 海毛蟲 (英文)
If you thought big bristleworms were scary